The Aging and Disability Partnership invites you to a webinar:
States are gearing up to enroll individuals into new dual eligible and Medicaid managed long term-services and supports (MLTSS) programs. In most states with demonstration projects or new MLTSS programs, details are still being worked out and there are many unknowns. Yet clients, particularly during the Medicare open enrollment period, are going to be asking questions. Will you be prepared to give them answers?
This webinar discusses simple and accurate messages you can share with your dual eligible clients now, with particular emphasis on how the changes will affect Medicare rights.
Questions discussed will include:
- Why are these changes happening?
- When do I need to think about these changes?
- What is passive enrollment? How does it work?
- Will I have choices?
- Will I have to change doctors?
- Should I be doing something different during the Open Enrollment Period because these changes are coming?
And many more.
Join us for a webinar tailored to prepare the network to for the questions and issues we may face with the many moving parts of duals demo and MLTSS enrollment.
Leslie Fried, Director, Policy and Programs, National Council on Aging
Georgia Burke, Directing Attorney, National Senior Citizens Law Center
Fay Gordon, Staff Attorney, National Senior Citizens Law Center
This is a free webinar.
This webinar is supported, in part, by funding from the U.S. Administration for Community Living under grant number 90BC0019. The views expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or represent official U.S. Administration for Community Living policy.